Cybersecurity Blog

  • 1. CIA Triad
    To begin understanding the concepts behind cybersecurity you should become familiar with the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) triad. The CIA triad helps with understanding what goals and objectives must be reached to develop a secure environment for your organization. Confidentiality ensures the protection of the secrecy of data. Integrity ensures that data hasn’t beenContinue reading “1. CIA Triad”
  • 2. Security Governance
    An organization uses an IT governance framework to set directions and policies to monitor compliance and how risk decisions will be made. Risk management follows after the governance to determine what risks are acceptable to the organization. Then this follows into compliance. This is where security is monitored and ensuring governance is being followed. SecurityContinue reading “2. Security Governance”
  • 3. Security Program
    A security program is built by an organization as a set of activities used to manage information security on an ongoing basis. This requires support from executive management so that decisions in this program can be made. The security program should be held by a forum or committee chaired by a security officer, and essentialContinue reading “3. Security Program”
  • 4. Compliance
    Organizations follow several laws and regulations applicable to the work they do. Law always takes precedence over standards. The implementation of an ISO standard can help, but it is not a legal condition. The ISO 27001 can be used if an organization wants an idea of the types of laws and regulations apply to them.Continue reading “4. Compliance”
  • 5. Ethics
    The code of ethics a cybersecurity professional should follow is the (ISC)2 Code of Ethics: The Canon goes: A. Protect society, the Commonwealth, and the infrastructure. B. Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally. C. Provide diligent and competent service to principals. D. Advance and protect the profession. Fallacies you may run into are knownContinue reading “5. Ethics”
  • 6. Policies
    A security program consists of policies. Examples of policies are regulatory, advisory, organizational, issue-specific, and system-specific. A regulatory policy is highly detailed and specific to a type of industry which is either mandated by federal, state, industry, or contractual requirements. An advisory policy is highly recommended but not mandatory. May have penalties for failure toContinue reading “6. Policies”
  • 7. Security related to Personnel Management
    A few things that you’ll want to pay attention to as a cybersecurity professional related to personnel management is before employment, during employment, and after employment. Before employment focus on hiring procedures, background checks, and security clearances. During employment focus on employee agreements, job descriptions, and roles and responsibilities. After employment we focus on terminationContinue reading “7. Security related to Personnel Management”
  • 8. Risk Management
    A risk is the potential for harm or loss. What could happen? (Threat) How bad can it be? (Impact) How often might it happen? (Frequency) How certain are the answers to the first the questions? (Uncertainty) Risk management is an approach to manage uncertainty through risk assessment, strategy, and risk mitigation. Every organization must manageContinue reading “8. Risk Management”
  • 9. Data Management
    The Information owner is ultimately responsible for data management and safeguarding of assigned information assets. They demonstrate a strong commitment to an organization’s information security security program. To manage data an information owner will develop an information security policy and lead by example. Responsibilities include: Reviewing the classification levels of assigned assets. Determining information classification.Continue reading “9. Data Management”
  • 10. Data Classification
    Commercial and military data are classification are marked differently. As a cybersecurity specialist it’s essential to know the differences. Commercial data classification: Confidential Private Sensitive For internal use only Public Military classification: Top secret Secret Confidential Sensitive but unclassified Unclassified
  • 11. Asset Management
    Key concepts a cybersecurity specialist should know about asset management. 1. Inventory management What assets are on hand, where they reside, and who owns them. 2. Configuration management Association of each item with other items in an inventory. 3. IT Asset Management (ITAM) Financial aspects of assets, including cost, value, and contractual status Designed toContinue reading “11. Asset Management”
  • 12. Determine Data Security Controls
    An organization will select appropriate security controls to protect from disclosure or undetected alterations to data whether it is at rest, in use, or in transit. This can include passwords, backups, cryptography, etc. Data at rest control examples are: Encryption Secure password management Labeling removable media Data in use and in transit control examples are:Continue reading “12. Determine Data Security Controls”
  • 13. Concepts and security models
    Enterprise security architecture represents a holistic approach to incorporate building blocks of security across the enterprise. Common security services are a number of security functions suitable as foundations for common security services in the enterprise. Examples are access control, boundary control, integrity, cryptographic, and audit monitoring services. In a security architecture we start with creationContinue reading “13. Concepts and security models”
  • 14. Security Evaluation Models
    How do we evaluate security? One way is the Orange Book. This is the trusted computer system evaluating criteria. It is used by the department of defense to protect systems and networks given a security level making it suitable to protect the confidentiality of information. This was based on the Bell-LaPadula model. Decision makers wouldContinue reading “14. Security Evaluation Models”
  • 15. Vulnerabilities of Security Architecture
    Systems have many access points which may leave it vulnerable such as: Emanations State attacks Covert channels Technology and process integration Mainframes and thin client systems Middleware Embedded systems Pervasive computing/mobile devices Single Point of Failure (SOF) Connectivity (Data, Network) Availability Client-based vulnerabilities System emanations spew out electromagnetic frequencies and a person within range canContinue reading “15. Vulnerabilities of Security Architecture”
  • 16. Cryptography
    The history of cryptography has evolved from ancient times. But understanding history helps us understand where we are now. Many forms have existed such as: Egyptian hieroglyphs Phaistos disc Hebrew’s Atbash Scytale Caesar Cypher Vigenere Vernam Cypher Enigma Lucifer/DES Diffie-Helman RSA PGP The purpose of cryptography is the art of secret writing. To speak theContinue reading “16. Cryptography”
  • 17. System Environments
    It is good to know the different system environments that may exist so you can begin to think of best practices to secure it. Let’s go over a few environments and define them. Virtualization allows multiple instances of “machines” to operate on a platform. The platform is known as a hypervisor. There are two typesContinue reading “17. System Environments”
  • 18. Physical Security
    Physical security is just as important to a cybersecurity specialist as technical security is. Why is that? Well, how can we protect our systems when someone can walk right through the door and take it? That’s why a cybersecurity specialist will use a layered defense model. Think of the perimeter, the building grounds, entrance, offices,Continue reading “18. Physical Security”
  • 19. OSI Model
    The Open System Interconnect (OSI) model gives people an understanding of networking by layer. The physical layer is all about getting data to your system via wired or wireless connections. This deals with bits of data. The data link layer is where your local area network settings and media access control. MAC detects collision traffic.Continue reading “19. OSI Model”

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